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Risorse educative online per le discipline www.comeweb.it
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"Growing Up Digital was written in cooperation with over three hundred N-Geners, and their opinions and views were recorded in a series of forums and conferences run with the help of New Paradigm Learning Corporation, York University and the FreeZone network. Interviews with a wide range of parents, educators, business leaders, cyber-gurus, policymakers and marketing experts helped in creating this book. "
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Welcome to my vision of what's wonderful on the Web. Welcome parents, kids, teens, grandparents, teachers, librarians and the incurably curious. I am Barbara J. Feldman, a syndicated newspaper columnist, mother, wife and Net surfer supreme (not listed in order of importance, of course). While you are here, I encourage you to view the inspirational Light an Educational Fire movie, subscribe to my free newsletter, and take advantage of a free trial membership in the Surfnetkids Printables Club. Or, if you are interested in a behind-the-scenes look at my online publishing efforts, visit me in my office.
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"Every week, photos keep coming in! I'm getting them from all over the world now, from people I don't know who were told about Outside My Window by other people I don't know. It's an amazing thing, this Internet. I put together this photo album using as many of the photos as I could. Click on them to see a larger version and a byline. If your photo is not here it is likely because it was not taken through a window. To be consistent with the project, I had to exclude some amazing photographs taken by people all over the world. Please, if you're among that group, take a pic through a window! "
StarLogo is a programmable modeling environment for exploring the workings of decentralized systems -- systems that are organized without an organizer, coordinated without a coordinator. With StarLogo, you can model (and gain insights into) many real-life phenomena, such as bird flocks, traffic jams, ant colonies, and market economies