Risorse educative online per le discipline

Insegnare con le nuove tecnologie



Dall'aula al territorio attraverso il Web -
Ambiente di cooperazione on-line per la produzione di itinerari nel territorio
e per la documentazione delle relative attività didattiche


Pistes sur internet repertoire de ressources
Des projets des exemples

Création collective

Initiatives citoyennes

Presse scolaire

Enquêtes, sondages

Banques de données

Suivi d'expéditions

Dossiers thématiques

Suivi de phénomènes

Réseaux scientifiques

Sites de communautés

Observatoires et évaluation

The Technology Source

The purpose of The Technology Source (ISSN 1532-0030), a peer-reviewed bimonthly periodical published by the Michigan Virtual University, is to provide thoughtful, illuminating articles that will assist educators as they face the challenge of integrating information technology tools into teaching and into managing educational organizations. Want to participate? Use the discussion option available in each article to respond to that article, or send your comments and suggestions about the publication to Editor-in-Chief James L. Morrison. Have a great idea? Submit an article for publication. Want to hear about each new issue? Join our mailing list.


Internet & Networking: Internet and Library Software Archive

The IFLA Internet and Library Software Archive is intended to provide a collection of software resources that will assist librarians in using the Internet more effectively.
Virtual Shareware Library
This archive catalogues over 250,000 free programs over the Internet. The library can be accessed through mirror sites ("front desks") which, like the main site, run the Shareware search engine (SHASE). SHASE simplifies the search for files and eases the downloading into client's computer

Main Exhibit Edit Page

Your colleagues in the Apple Learning Interchange have located and cataloged thousands of Internet resources that can be valuable for teaching and learning.


Portale Ploteus

PLOTEUS, il portale delle opportunità di apprendimento nello spazio europeo, ti aiuterà a scoprire le possibilità di istruzione e formazione disponibili in tutta Europa.
PLOTEUS è un servizio della Commissione europea. I link e le relative descrizioni sono forniti e aggiornati dalla rete Euroguidance."